Choose and change the medication from the database with your own dosage strength not listed
FAQ: The medication I'm trying to search for is not on the list, how do I add my own custom medication?
Start with the Resident's Medication List in EMAR
- Navigate to the resident's profile in EMAR and open the medication list.
Click on the "Add Medication" Button
- Select the "Add Medication" button to begin the process of adding a new medication.
- Normally, you would type in the first few letters of the medication name and select it from the drop-down menu.
Leave the Medication Field Blank if Not Listed
- If the medication isn't listed, type a space in the medication field and then delete the space.
- This will unlock the fields for drug route, strength, and form, allowing for custom input.
Select or Enter the Drug Route
- Choose the appropriate drug route from the options.
- If no route is applicable, select "Custom" or "Not Applicable."
Enter the Dose and Strength
- Input a numeric value for the dose and follow it with the strength.
- For example, if you have a medication that is 123 milligrams in 33 milliliters, enter:
- Dose: 123
- Strength: mg (milligrams)
- Dosage Form: Liquid
Complete the Frequency and Timing Details
- Specify how often and at what times the medication should be given.
- Enter all relevant dosing details as required for the resident's medication schedule.
Save and Confirm
- Once all the necessary information is entered, confirm and save the medication.
Access Help if Needed
- For further assistance, click the help button located in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
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