Invite a nurse to your account to monitor medications and to create delegated task sheets
FAQ: I need to add a nurse delegator to my account so they can access the medications and do delegations.
Create a Role for the Nurse Delegator
- Go to the "Manage Roles" section.
- Choose an existing role (e.g., Resident Manager) and copy it.
- Name the new role "Nurse" and assign the necessary permissions.
Set Role Permissions
- Decide which permissions the nurse delegator should have.
- If they need access to medications, enable the "Medications" section.
- If they should not be able to edit or delete certain items, disable those permissions.
- Enable "Pharmacy Permissions" if they need to approve pharmacy orders.
- Save the role once all permissions are set.
Create an Account for the Nurse Delegator
- Go to "Manage Accounts" and add a new user.
- Enter the first name, last name, email, and mobile number.
- Assign the newly created Nurse Delegator role to the account.
- Click "Save."
Assign Facility and Resident Access
- Select which facility (or multiple facilities) they should have access to.
- If they need access to a specific resident, select the resident's profile.
- Send the account confirmation email.
Update Staff Information
- After confirmation, edit the staff member’s profile.
- Toggle "User is a Non-Employee" if applicable.
Allow Access to Medication and Delegation Forms
- Once logged in, the Nurse Delegator can go to EMAR and view the medication list.
- Navigate to the "Form Builder" section to access Nurse Delegation documents.
- Use the "Template Library" to find 25 pre-made nurse delegation forms.
- Modify or add information to the forms as needed.