⓹ Adding your first medication!

Quickly find medications by typing just a few letters. Select from thousands of drugs in our comprehensive database.

1. Accessing the eMAR

  • Start by going to the navigation bar on the left and clicking "EMAR."

2. Select the Resident

  • Click the "Medication." icon at the top, and select the "Add Medication" button.

3. Enter the Medication Name

  • Click on "Drug Name" and start typing the first three letters.
  • Select the drug from the list. Some medications have both a brand and a generic name.
  • Once you select the medication, it will be pulled from the drug database.

4. Specify Medication Details

  • Select the drug route, the drug strength (e.g., MG), and the dosage form.
  • Many medications will have these fields pre-populated.

5. Add or Delete Medication Image

  • You can select an image for this medication or remove any images that do not apply.
  • You can also add your own image.

6. Set Start and End Dates

  • Choose the start date for when the medication should be administered. You have the option to backdate the medication by selecting a date prior to today.
  • Consider setting an end date if the patient is directed to discontinue this medication after a specific duration (e.g., 7 days).

7. Optional Fields: Rx and Prescriber

  • Input the prescription number provided by the pharmacy.
  • You can choose the prescriber from the contact list or add a new prescriber by selecting the "Add" button.

8. Additional Options

  • There are several options available for selection, including whether this medication is for PRN use, follows a sliding scale for insulin, is narcotic or psychotropic, or applies to a specific body area for topical creams.

9. Set Frequency and Administration Time

  • Select the frequency for this medication (e.g., one time daily).
  • Choose the administration time, whether AM or PM and the exact minute.

10. Dosage and Instructions

  • Specify the dosage (e.g., number of tablets) and provide instructions (e.g., "Take one tablet, 10 mg, once daily, oral").
  • The reason field will be pre-populated but should be reviewed for accuracy.

11. Expiration Date and Quantity Tracking

  • Consider setting an expiration date as an option, especially recommended for PRNs.
  • Track the quantity on hand and set alerts for when to refill the medication.

12. Delegation and Special Instructions

  • Indicate if the medication is delegated, a crushed medication order, or self-managed.
  • Residents who manage their own medications typically keep them in their rooms, securely locked up, and take them independently.

13. Opioid and Health Monitoring

  • For opioids or narcotics, track pain levels before and after administration.
  • Use the Restrictions/Health Monitor to select the ADL, such as blood pressure or heart rate, to track before administration.

14. Review and Save

  • Review the order for accuracy. Once satisfied, click "Save."
  • The medication will appear on the medication list tagged with "New."

15. Manage Medications

  • You can edit, duplicate, put on hold, discontinue, or delete the medication by clicking the action button (three dots) on the right-hand side.

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