Administering a PRN Medication

The tutorial article below explains how to administer a PRN medication. Two ways of documenting a PRN dose. Both are easy as pie!

Administering a PRN 1

1st Way: Med Pass Click the +Add PRN button.

Access the Medication List:

  • Open the patient’s medication list to see all prescribed drugs, including PRN medications.

Identify the PRN Medication:

  • Look for medications marked as PRN, like Acetaminophen in the example.

Confirm the Patient’s Need:

  • Assess whether the patient’s current symptoms require the PRN medication.

Review Dosage Instructions:

  • Double-check the dosage and timing to ensure safe administration.

Administer the Medication:

  • Give the medication according to the instructions.

Document the Administration:

  • Record the time, dosage, and observations in the patient’s medical record.

Monitor the Patient:

  • Watch for the medication’s effectiveness and any side effects.

Administering a PRN 2

2nd Way:

  • Go to PRN Meds
  • Click +Add PRN
  • Select the PRN from the drop-down menu and click Administrate

Identify PRN Medication:

  • Find medications labeled as [PRN] in the list, like Acetaminophen, meant to be taken as needed (e.g., every four hours).

Confirm Patient’s Need:

  • Evaluate if the patient’s current symptoms, such as pain or fever, require the PRN medication.

Review Dosage and Timing:

  • Ensure the correct dosage is given, checking the last administered time to avoid dosing too soon.

Document the Administration:

  • Log the time and dosage in the patient’s record to ensure safety and proper tracking.

Monitor the Patient:

  • Observe the patient for any side effects and confirm the medication’s effectiveness.


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