Assessment and Care Plan Powered by the Forms Module

When creating a new care plan, use the Prefill data option to carry over the previous information to the new CP

FAQ: I noticed two different versions of the Care Plan, which one should I use?

Will one version of the Care Plan carry over to a completely different Care Plan?

  1. Care Plan Integration with Forms Module

    • The assessment and care plan are now powered by the forms module.
    • Synkwise can update care plans based on state-specific requirements, displaying them under the assessments and care plans section.
  2. Creating a New Care Plan After an Update

    • When a significant update occurs, a new care plan must be created.
    • Existing data from the previous care plan can be pushed into the new version.
  3. Understanding Care Plan Versions

    • If you edit an existing care plan, the title will include “Updated” along with the date.
    • Older versions of care plans remain in the system but do not automatically transfer data to newer versions.
  4. Finalizing a Care Plan

    • Some fields must be completed before finalizing, such as selecting the plan type and filling in medication details.
    • Ensure all required fields are filled to avoid errors.
  5. Carrying Over Data from a Previous Care Plan

    • When creating a new care plan, you will have the option to pre-fill data from a previous care plan.
    • If fields are mapped correctly, relevant data will be carried over.
    • However, if the new care plan has a different structure, data cannot be transferred automatically.
  6. Handling Assessments

    • The same process applies to assessments—ensure the correct version is used to pull data from previous submissions.
  7. Getting Help

    • If you have any questions, use the help button in the bottom right corner of Synkwise for support.
