Review the step-by-step guide on how to initiate the barcode scanning in MedPass

- Ensuring Device Connectivity
Check that the scanning device is connected to the Synkwise-enabled device (laptop or desktop).
Confirm connectivity via USB or Bluetooth for the scanner to work effectively.
Using MedPass for Scanning
Open the MedPass application.
Click on the "SCAN" option to start scanning medications.
Addressing Unrecognizable Barcodes
If a scanned barcode is not recognizable, go to the Medication List.
Click on the three dots, then on edit.
Look for the barcode field and make necessary edits to ensure it corresponds to the actual barcode on the medication bottle or card.
Barcode Editing for Accuracy
Sometimes barcode discrepancies occur due to communication issues from the pharmacy.
Editing the barcode ensures that the scanned barcode matches the one on the medication card.
Finalizing Scanning Process
After scanning, click on "done" to complete the process.
Note that medications outside the four-hour window may need manual entry.
Testing and Support
Encouragement to test the scanning process and provide feedback on what works and what doesn't.
Synkwise team is ready to support and assist as needed.