Changing your Workspace Name (URL)

Don't forget to update bookmarks and re-download the desktop app.

FAQ: I need to change my workspace name, how do I do that?

  1. Log In to Synkwise and Navigate to Settings

    • Go to the Synkwise app and log in.
    • In the menu, go to Administration > Settings.
  2. Update the URL Prefix

    • Find the URL Prefix section.
    • Enter your business or care home name in lowercase, without spaces.
  3. Save and Log Out

    • After updating the name, click Save.
    • You will be logged out and redirected to the new URL.
  4. Notify Staff

    • Staff will receive an email with the updated URL.
  5. Update Bookmarks and Desktop App

    • If you have saved the workspace URL in your bookmarks or have the Synkwise desktop app, be sure to update those links for proper access.
