Completing Care Plans, Service Plans, & Assessments in Synwise

The tutorial video below quickly explains how it's done!


Quick Guide to Editing Assessments and Care Plans

  1. Purpose of the Application

    • Designed to maintain the integrity of finalized documents.

  2. Workaround for Editing

    • Clone the document to make changes without altering the original.

  3. Steps to Edit / Modify

    • Identify the need for changes in the assessment or care plan.

    • Create a new document by cloning the existing one.

    • Update the necessary information (e.g., dates, details).

    • Save the new document and delete the previous version (If necessary).

    • Finalize the edited document to complete the process.

  4. Finalizing the Edits / Changes

    • Delete the previous version to avoid confusion.

    • Finalize the edited document to ensure completion and accuracy.

  5. Functionality

    • The process of editing is the same for both Assessments, Care, and Service Plans.