Creating a Custom Role

Add a new role by cloning a caregiver, manager, licensor, or admin role to start

FAQ: I need to add my nurse but do not see a nurse role; how can I add or create that role?

  1. Navigate to Manage Roles

    • Start from the Dashboard in Synkwise.
    • Go to Administration and then Manage Roles.
  2. Understand System Roles

    • Review the existing system roles listed under Type.
    • These system roles can serve as a base for creating a custom role.
  3. Create a New Role

    • Click the Create Role button in the top-right corner.
    • Optionally, copy an existing role to serve as a template.
  4. Name and Define the Role

    • Assign a name to the new role (e.g., Family or Nurse Delegator).
    • Adjust the role’s hierarchy to determine what it can access.
  5. Set Permissions

    • Scroll through the permissions list, which is organized into sections like Facility, Resident, Account, Workspace, and Pharmacy.
    • Uncheck boxes to restrict access to specific features or information.
  6. Handle Gray Save Button Issues

    • If the Save button is gray, ensure the role is within the allowed hierarchy structure.
    • Adjust the hierarchy as needed and try saving again.
  7. Apply the New Role

    • Go to Manage Accounts.
    • Select the relevant account, update their role, and assign the newly created role.
  8. Role Purpose Reminder

    • Keep in mind that the role defines permissions, not the person's title or credentials.
    • Add their title and credentials in their profile separately.

For further assistance, click the Help button located at the bottom-right corner of Synkwise.
