Complete the resident profile to prefill data to the Assesment or Care Plan, use Prefill Data to carry over that data
FAQ: My resident data is not populating from the their profile, also, when I create a care plan, the data is not carrying over from the assessment.
Understanding the Update
- The care plan and assessment features now utilize the form builder module as their foundation.
- Different states (e.g., Arizona, California, Washington, Oregon) may see slightly different versions due to state-specific requirements.
Checking the Version of Your Care Plan or Assessment
- Open a care plan or assessment and click “View” to see the title and confirm the version.
- Older assessments can still carry data over to new assessments by using the “Pre-fill data from a previous submission” option.
Creating a New Assessment
- If you receive a message stating the care plan wasn’t finalized, you can still create a new assessment.
- Check the box for “Pre-fill data from a previous submission” to carry over information from the resident's profile or an old assessment.
Transferring Data to New Assessments
- The system takes data such as the title and profile information from the old assessment and applies it to the new one.
- Scroll through the resident face sheet to ensure the resident’s data has been transferred correctly.
Finalizing a Care Plan or Assessment
- When finalizing a care plan, ensure all required fields (marked with a star) are filled out.
- If there are errors, the system will display instructions in red indicating what needs to be corrected.
- Save changes, return to the actions menu, and finalize the care plan.
Creating Multiple Versions
- You can create a new care plan while retaining the old version for reference.
- Data from the resident’s profile will also transfer to the new care plan.
Getting Additional Help
- For further assistance, click the help button in the bottom-right corner to schedule a Zoom session for guidance.