Exporting and Importing Forms

Export customized forms from one workspace and import them into another

FAQ: I'm a nurse delegator and wanted to use the same forms I use for one of the homes I delegate, how can I transfer all my task sheets?

  1. Understand the Context

    • Forms in Synkwise are not always preloaded; many must be downloaded from the template library.
    • Customized forms can include personal information, such as a name or signature, added to delegation task sheets or other forms.
  2. Export a Customized Form

    • Open the form you want to export.
    • Click on the three dots menu.
    • Select the option to export the form as an SKF file (Synkwise's proprietary file format).
  3. Delete the Form (Optional for Demonstration)

    • You can delete the form to simulate starting fresh.
  4. Import the Form into Another Workspace

    • Go to the new workspace and click on "Build a New Form" in the top right corner.
    • Select the option to import a form.
    • Drag and drop the previously exported SKF file into the import area.
    • Once imported, the form will appear with all the data and customizations intact.
  5. Use the Imported Form

    • Navigate to the appropriate section, such as a resident's profile, and create tasks or records using the imported form.
