Generate an Emergency Report

The emergency report is crucial to provide a copy to the paramedics

FAQ: I need to send my Resident to the Hospital, is there a way to generate a report to give to the paramedics?

  1. Access the Resident Profile

    • Go to the resident's profile.
    • Locate the red "+" button next to the resident's name (labeled "Emergency Report" when hovered over).
    • On a tablet, simply tap the red "+" button to go directly to the emergency report section.
  2. Update the Resident Profile

    • Ensure the resident's profile is fully updated before generating the report.
    • Missing information can result in incomplete reports.
    • Upload important documents, such as a POLST form or an advanced care directive, in the "Documents" section of the profile. These will automatically be included in the printout.
  3. Generate the Emergency Report

    • Click on the red "+" button to access the emergency report feature.
    • The report will automatically include a medication list, so ensure that is also up to date before proceeding.
  4. Select a Reason and Print the Report

    • At the top of the emergency report screen, click the "Print" button.
    • Choose the reason for the hospital visit. This step is optional, but highly recommended, as it saves a copy of the report in the progress notes section.
    • Click "Save and Print" to generate the report.
  5. Review and Print the Report

    • The system will generate a detailed, four-page report. This will include:
      • All the information from the resident's profile.
      • A POLST form and other uploaded documents at the bottom of the report.
    • Use the "Print" button to print a physical copy.
  6. Check Progress Notes

    • A copy of the emergency report, along with the reason for printing, will be saved in the resident’s care progress notes section.
    • Additional notes can be added to the progress notes as needed.
