Synkwise Permissions Glossary for Manage Roles
Revision Date: 9/25/2024
Please note that the ability to customize user permissions is available exclusively to Plus Package subscribers of Synkwise.
The tutorial intro video covers:
- How to Access and Manage Roles
- How to Create a Custom Role
- How to Use Permissions from a Default System Role as a Baseline for Customization
Permissions Glossary for Manage Roles
Category |
Section |
Permission |
Explanation |
Facility Permissions | Facility | View | Allow users to view facility details |
Facility Permissions | Facility | Create | Allow users to create new facilities |
Facility Permissions | Facility | Edit | Allow users to edit facility details |
Facility Permissions | Facility | Update Status | Allow users to activate/inactivate facility |
Facility Permissions | Facility | Delete | Allow users to delete facilities |
Facility Permissions | Facility | Manage Contacts | Allow users to create, update, delete facility contacts |
Facility Permissions | Facility | Manage Access | Allow users to manage access for other users to the specific facilities or residents |
Facility Permissions | Facility | View List of Inactive Residents | Allow users to view list of inactive residents |
Facility Permissions | Facility | View Inspection | Allow users to view inspection report |
Facility Permissions | Facility Documents | View List of Documents | Allow users to view list of facility documents |
Facility Permissions | Facility Documents | View List of Deleted Documents | Allow users to view list of deleted facility documents |
Facility Permissions | Facility Documents | View List of Archived Documents | Allow users to view list of archived facility documents |
Facility Permissions | Facility Documents | Upload Document | Allow users to upload a facility document |
Facility Permissions | Facility Documents | View | Allow users to download and preview a specific facility document |
Facility Permissions | Facility Documents | Read Archived | Allow users to download and preview a specific archived document |
Facility Permissions | Facility Documents | Read Deleted | Allow users to download and preview a specific facility document |
Facility Permissions | Facility Documents | Update | Allow users to update a facility document |
Facility Permissions | Facility Documents | Delete Permanently | Allow users to delete a facility document permanently |
Facility Permissions | Facility Documents | Delete | Allow users to delete a facility document |
Facility Permissions | Facility Documents | Archive | Allow users to archive a facility document |
Facility Permissions | Facility Documents | Restore as Active | Allow users to restore a deleted facility document |
Facility Permissions | Facility Notes | View List of Notes | Allows users to view list of notes |
Facility Permissions | Facility Notes | Create | Allows users to create a note |
Facility Permissions | Facility Notes | Update | Allows users to update a note |
Facility Permissions | Facility Notes | Delete | Allows users to delete a note permanently |
Facility Permissions | Facility Notes | View Notes History | Allows users to view notes history |
Facility Permissions | Evacuation Drills | View List of Evacuation Drills | Allows users to view list of evacuation drills |
Facility Permissions | Evacuation Drills | Create | Allows users to create a new evacuation drill |
Facility Permissions | Evacuation Drills | Update | Allows users to update an evacuation drill |
Facility Permissions | Evacuation Drills | Submit | Allows users to submit an evacuation drill |
Facility Permissions | Evacuation Drills | View a Specific Evacuation Drill | Allows users to view evacuation drill details |
Facility Permissions | Evacuation Drills | Delete | Allows users to delete an evacuation drill |
Facility Permissions | Environmental Tour | View List of Environmental Tours | Allows users to view list of environmental tours |
Facility Permissions | Environmental Tour | Allows Users to View an Environmental Tour | Allows users to read an environmental tour |
Facility Permissions | Environmental Tour | Create | Allows users to create an environmental tour |
Facility Permissions | Environmental Tour | Update | Allows users to update an environmental tour |
Facility Permissions | Environmental Tour | Submit | Allows users to submit an environmental tour |
Resident Permissions | Resident | View Resident Details | Allows users to view resident details |
Resident Permissions | Resident | Create | Allows users to create a new resident |
Resident Permissions | Resident | Update | Allows users to update residents details |
Resident Permissions | Resident | Update Status | Allows users to change the resident status log (Out of Facility, Hospital, On Hospice, Alert) |
Resident Permissions | Resident | Activate | Allows users to change resident status to active |
Resident Permissions | Resident | Inactivate | Allows users to change resident status to inactive |
Resident Permissions | Resident | Manage Contacts | Allows users to Create, Update and Delete Contacts |
Resident Permissions | Resident Documents | View List of Documents | Allows users to view list of resident documents |
Resident Permissions | Resident Documents | View List of Deleted Documents | Allows users to view list of deleted resident documents |
Resident Permissions | Resident Documents | View List of Archived Documents | Allows users to view list of archived resident documents |
Resident Permissions | Resident Documents | Upload Document | Allows users to upload a resident document |
Resident Permissions | Resident Documents | View | Allows users to download and preview a specific resident document |
Resident Permissions | Resident Documents | Read Archived | Allows users to download and preview a specific archived document |
Resident Permissions | Resident Documents | Read Deleted | Allows users to download and preview a specific deleted document |
Resident Permissions | Resident Documents | Update | Allows users to update a resident document |
Resident Permissions | Resident Documents | Delete Permanently | Allows users to delete a resident document permanently |
Resident Permissions | Resident Documents | Delete | Allows users to delete a resident document |
Resident Permissions | Resident Documents | Archive | Allows users to archive a resident document |
Resident Permissions | Resident Documents | Restore as Active | Allows users to restore a deleted resident document |
Resident Permissions | Resident Notes | View List of Notes | Allows users to view list of notes |
Resident Permissions | Resident Notes | Create | Allows users to create a note |
Resident Permissions | Resident Notes | Update | Allows users to update a note |
Resident Permissions | Resident Notes | Delete | Allows users to delete a note permanently |
Resident Permissions | Resident Notes | View Notes History | Allows users to view notes history |
Resident Permissions | Assessments | View List of Assessments | Allows users to view list of assessments |
Resident Permissions | Assessments | View Assessment | Allows users to view an assessment |
Resident Permissions | Assessments | Upload | Allows users to upload an assessment |
Resident Permissions | Assessments | Create | Allows users to create an assessment |
Resident Permissions | Assessments | Update | Allows users to update an assessment |
Resident Permissions | Assessments | Delete | Allows users to delete an assessment |
Resident Permissions | Assessments | Submit | Allows users to submit an assessment |
Resident Permissions | Care Plans | View List of Care Plans | Allows users to view list of careplans |
Resident Permissions | Care Plans | View Care Plan | Allows users to read a careplan |
Resident Permissions | Care Plans | Upload | Allows users to upload a careplan |
Resident Permissions | Care Plans | Create | Allows users to create a careplan |
Resident Permissions | Care Plans | Update | Allows users to update a careplan |
Resident Permissions | Care Plans | Delete | Allows users to delete a careplan |
Resident Permissions | Care Plans | Submit | Allows users to submit a careplan |
Resident Permissions | Vitals | View Vitals | Allows users to view vitals entry |
Resident Permissions | Vitals | Create | Allows users to add a vital entry |
Resident Permissions | Vitals | Update | Allows users to update a vital entry |
Resident Permissions | Vitals | Delete | Allows users to delete a vital entry |
Resident Permissions | Vitals | Manage Restrictions | Allows users to manage vital restrictions for resident |
Resident Permissions | Incident Report | View List of Incidents | Allow users to view list of incidents |
Resident Permissions | Incident Report | Create | Allow users to create a resident incident |
Resident Permissions | Incident Report | Update | Allow users to update a resident incident |
Resident Permissions | Incident Report | View Incident | Allow users to view resident incident |
Resident Permissions | Incident Report | Delete | Allow users to delete a resident incident |
Resident Permissions | Incident Report | Complete Determination of Cause | Allow users to complete determination of cause section |
Resident Permissions | Medications | View Medications | Allow user to view list of medications for a resident |
Resident Permissions | Medications | Create | Allow user to create a new medication |
Resident Permissions | Medications | Update | Allow user to update a medication |
Resident Permissions | Medications | Manage Narcotic Count | Allow user to manage narcotic count |
Resident Permissions | Medications | View Medication Details | Allow user to read medication details |
Resident Permissions | Medications | Discontinue/Restore | Allow user to discontinue and restore a discontinued medication |
Resident Permissions | Medications | Delete | Allow user to delete a medication |
Resident Permissions | Medications | View Narcotic / Controlled Substance Count | Allow user to view Narcotic / Controlled Substance Count |
Resident Permissions | Medications | View Narcotic / Controlled Substance History | Allow user to view Narcotic / Controlled Substance History |
Resident Permissions | Medications | Narcotic / Controlled Substance Count Discrepancy Notification | Allow user to toggle Narcotic / Controlled Substance Count Discrepancy Notification |
Resident Permissions | Medications | Narcotic / Controlled Substance Back Charting Notification | Allow user to toggle Back Charting Notification |
Resident Permissions | Medication Administrations | View Medication Administrations | Allow user to view list of medication administrations |
Resident Permissions | Medication Administrations | Create | Allow user to create new medication administration |
Resident Permissions | Medication Administrations | Create As Other (Used In Med Log) | Allow user to create/update medication administration for another user |
Resident Permissions | Medication Administrations | Update | Allow user to update a medicaton administration |
Resident Permissions | Medication Administrations | Delete (Uncheck own Administration) | Allow user to delete his own medication administration |
Resident Permissions | Medication Administrations | Delete As Other (Uncheck an Administration) | Allow user to delete the medication administration created by other user |
Resident Permissions | Medication Administrations | View (Med Pass, Med Log, PRN) | Allow user to view resident medication schedule |
Resident Permissions | Medication Administrations | Audit (view late entries) | Allow user to view late medication administrations |
Resident Permissions | Medication Administrations | Overdue Notification Setting | Allow user to toggling overdue medication notification |
Resident Permissions | Medication Administrations | Batch Notes | Allow user to batch notes |
Resident Permissions | Physician Orders | View List of Orders | Allow users to view list of physician orders |
Resident Permissions | Physician Orders | View Specific Order | Allow users to view detailed order information |
Resident Permissions | Physician Orders | Create | Allow users to create a new order |
Resident Permissions | Physician Orders | Update | Allow users to update an existing order |
Resident Permissions | Physician Orders | Delete | Allow users to delete an existing order |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | View Details | Allow users to view users details |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | Create | Allow users to create new users |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | Update | Allow users to update user details |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | Update Status | Allow users to update other user status |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | Update Role | Allow users to update other user role |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | Delete | Can delete user |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | Reset Password | Allow users to reset password for a specific user |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | Signin Logs | Allow users to view signin logs for other users |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | Read Hire Information | Allow users to view other users hire information |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | Update Hire Information | Allow users to update other users hire information |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | Email History | Allow users to access email history |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | Fax History | Allow users to access fax history |
Accounts Permissions | Accounts | Dashboard Alerts | Allow users to view alerts on the dashboard |
Accounts Permissions | Account Documents | View List of Documents | Allow users to view list of account documents |
Accounts Permissions | Account Documents | View List of Deleted Documents | Allow users to view list of deleted account documents |
Accounts Permissions | Account Documents | View List of Archived Documents | Allow users to view list of archived account documents |
Accounts Permissions | Account Documents | Upload Document | Allow users to upload an account document |
Accounts Permissions | Account Documents | View | Allow users to download and preview a specific account document |
Accounts Permissions | Account Documents | Read Archived | Allow users to download and preview a specific archived document |
Accounts Permissions | Account Documents | Read Deleted | Allow users to download and preview a specific deleted document |
Accounts Permissions | Account Documents | Update | Allow users to update an account document |
Accounts Permissions | Account Documents | Delete Permanently | Allow users to delete an account document permanently |
Accounts Permissions | Account Documents | Delete | Allow users to delete an account document |
Accounts Permissions | Account Documents | Archive | Allow users to archive an account document |
Accounts Permissions | Account Documents | Restore as Active | Allow users to restore a deleted account document |
Accounts Permissions | User Clocks | List | Allow users to view list of recorder user clocks |
Accounts Permissions | User Clocks | Start/Stop | Allow users to record a user clock entry |
Accounts Permissions | User Clocks | Advanced Control | Allow users to create and edit a user clock with custom Start and End date |
Accounts Permissions | User Clocks | Delete | Allow users to delete user clock entry |
Accounts Permissions | Task Manager | View List of Tasks | Allow users to view list of existing tasks |
Accounts Permissions | Task Manager | View | Allow users to view task details |
Accounts Permissions | Task Manager | View Completed Time | Allow users to view completed time for a task |
Accounts Permissions | Task Manager | Create | Allow users to create new tasks |
Accounts Permissions | Task Manager | Update Tasks (Ability to make changes to tasks you created) | Allow users to update tasks |
Accounts Permissions | Task Manager | Delete | Allow users to delete tasks |
Accounts Permissions | Task Manager | Update All Tasks (Ability to make changes to all tasks) | Allow users to update all tasks, including created by superiors |
Accounts Permissions | Task Manager | View Templates | Allow users to view task templates |
Accounts Permissions | Task Manager | Create Template | Allow users to create task template |
Accounts Permissions | Task Manager | Update Template | Allow users to update task template |
Accounts Permissions | Task Manager | Delete Template | Allow users to delete task template |
Accounts Permissions | Staff Notes | View List of Notes | Allows users to view list of notes |
Accounts Permissions | Staff Notes | Create | Allows users to create a note |
Accounts Permissions | Staff Notes | Update | Allows users to update a note |
Accounts Permissions | Staff Notes | Delete | Allows users to delete a note permanently |
Accounts Permissions | Staff Notes | View Notes History | Allows users to view notes history |
Accounts Permissions | COVID-19 Monitoring | COVID 19 Monitoring | Allow users to access COVID-19 monitoring |
Accounts Permissions | Forms | Manage Forms | Allow to manage categories and design forms |
Accounts Permissions | Forms | Manage Submissions | Allow to create and delete form submissions |
Accounts Permissions | Forms | Fill Form Data | Ability to Fill Out / Complete Forms |
Accounts Permissions | Digital Signature | Send request for sign | Allow user to send a request for signing a document |
Accounts Permissions | Digital Signature | Delete a sign request | Allow user to delete a sent sign request |
Accounts Permissions | Digital Signature | View all sign requests | Allow user to view all created sign requests |
Accounts Permissions | Reports | Accounting Staff Permission | Allow user to view accounting staff report |
Workspace Permissions | Workspace | View Settings | Allow users to view workspace settings |
Workspace Permissions | Workspace | Update Settings | Allow users to update workspace settings |
Workspace Permissions | Workspace | Manage Payments | Allow users to view, update subscription, manage cards and edit billing address |
Workspace Permissions | Workspace | Manage roles | Allow users to manage roles |
Pharmacy Permissions | Pharmacy | View Orders from your Pharmacy | Allow user to view list of orders coming from your Pharmacy |
Pharmacy Permissions | Pharmacy | View Orders details | Allow user to read order details from your Pharmacy |
Pharmacy Permissions | Pharmacy | Resolve Orders | Allow user to approve the change from your Pharmacy (a new order, discontinue, refill, etc.) |
Pharmacy Permissions | Pharmacy | Auto Approve Orders | Allow user to approve all the changes from your Pharmacy and auto approve orders |
Pharmacy Permissions | Pharmacy | Send Refill Orders | Allow user to send Refill Orders to your Pharmacy |