How can I customize user permissions?

Synkwise Permissions Glossary for Manage Roles

Revision Date: 9/25/2024

Please note that the ability to customize user permissions is available exclusively to Plus Package subscribers of Synkwise.

The tutorial intro video covers:

  • How to Access and Manage Roles
  • How to Create a Custom Role
  • How to Use Permissions from a Default System Role as a Baseline for Customization

Permissions Glossary for Manage Roles





Facility Permissions Facility View Allow users to view facility details
Facility Permissions Facility Create Allow users to create new facilities
Facility Permissions Facility Edit Allow users to edit facility details
Facility Permissions Facility Update Status Allow users to activate/inactivate facility
Facility Permissions Facility Delete Allow users to delete facilities
Facility Permissions Facility Manage Contacts Allow users to create, update, delete facility contacts
Facility Permissions Facility Manage Access Allow users to manage access for other users to the specific facilities or residents
Facility Permissions Facility View List of Inactive Residents Allow users to view list of inactive residents
Facility Permissions Facility View Inspection Allow users to view inspection report
Facility Permissions Facility Documents View List of Documents Allow users to view list of facility documents
Facility Permissions Facility Documents View List of Deleted Documents Allow users to view list of deleted facility documents
Facility Permissions Facility Documents View List of Archived Documents Allow users to view list of archived facility documents
Facility Permissions Facility Documents Upload Document Allow users to upload a facility document
Facility Permissions Facility Documents View Allow users to download and preview a specific facility document
Facility Permissions Facility Documents Read Archived Allow users to download and preview a specific archived document
Facility Permissions Facility Documents Read Deleted Allow users to download and preview a specific facility document
Facility Permissions Facility Documents Update Allow users to update a facility document
Facility Permissions Facility Documents Delete Permanently Allow users to delete a facility document permanently
Facility Permissions Facility Documents Delete Allow users to delete a facility document
Facility Permissions Facility Documents Archive Allow users to archive a facility document
Facility Permissions Facility Documents Restore as Active Allow users to restore a deleted facility document
Facility Permissions Facility Notes View List of Notes Allows users to view list of notes
Facility Permissions Facility Notes Create Allows users to create a note
Facility Permissions Facility Notes Update Allows users to update a note
Facility Permissions Facility Notes Delete Allows users to delete a note permanently
Facility Permissions Facility Notes View Notes History Allows users to view notes history
Facility Permissions Evacuation Drills View List of Evacuation Drills Allows users to view list of evacuation drills
Facility Permissions Evacuation Drills Create Allows users to create a new evacuation drill
Facility Permissions Evacuation Drills Update Allows users to update an evacuation drill
Facility Permissions Evacuation Drills Submit Allows users to submit an evacuation drill
Facility Permissions Evacuation Drills View a Specific Evacuation Drill Allows users to view evacuation drill details
Facility Permissions Evacuation Drills Delete Allows users to delete an evacuation drill
Facility Permissions Environmental Tour View List of Environmental Tours Allows users to view list of environmental tours
Facility Permissions Environmental Tour Allows Users to View an Environmental Tour Allows users to read an environmental tour
Facility Permissions Environmental Tour Create Allows users to create an environmental tour
Facility Permissions Environmental Tour Update Allows users to update an environmental tour
Facility Permissions Environmental Tour Submit Allows users to submit an environmental tour
Resident Permissions Resident View Resident Details Allows users to view resident details
Resident Permissions Resident Create Allows users to create a new resident
Resident Permissions Resident Update Allows users to update residents details
Resident Permissions Resident Update Status Allows users to change the resident status log (Out of Facility, Hospital, On Hospice, Alert)
Resident Permissions Resident Activate Allows users to change resident status to active
Resident Permissions Resident Inactivate Allows users to change resident status to inactive
Resident Permissions Resident Manage Contacts Allows users to Create, Update and Delete Contacts
Resident Permissions Resident Documents View List of Documents Allows users to view list of resident documents
Resident Permissions Resident Documents View List of Deleted Documents Allows users to view list of deleted resident documents
Resident Permissions Resident Documents View List of Archived Documents Allows users to view list of archived resident documents
Resident Permissions Resident Documents Upload Document Allows users to upload a resident document
Resident Permissions Resident Documents View Allows users to download and preview a specific resident document
Resident Permissions Resident Documents Read Archived Allows users to download and preview a specific archived document
Resident Permissions Resident Documents Read Deleted Allows users to download and preview a specific deleted document
Resident Permissions Resident Documents Update Allows users to update a resident document
Resident Permissions Resident Documents Delete Permanently Allows users to delete a resident document permanently
Resident Permissions Resident Documents Delete Allows users to delete a resident document
Resident Permissions Resident Documents Archive Allows users to archive a resident document
Resident Permissions Resident Documents Restore as Active Allows users to restore a deleted resident document
Resident Permissions Resident Notes View List of Notes Allows users to view list of notes
Resident Permissions Resident Notes Create Allows users to create a note
Resident Permissions Resident Notes Update Allows users to update a note
Resident Permissions Resident Notes Delete Allows users to delete a note permanently
Resident Permissions Resident Notes View Notes History Allows users to view notes history
Resident Permissions Assessments View List of Assessments Allows users to view list of assessments
Resident Permissions Assessments View Assessment Allows users to view an assessment
Resident Permissions Assessments Upload Allows users to upload an assessment
Resident Permissions Assessments Create Allows users to create an assessment
Resident Permissions Assessments Update Allows users to update an assessment
Resident Permissions Assessments Delete Allows users to delete an assessment
Resident Permissions Assessments Submit Allows users to submit an assessment
Resident Permissions Care Plans View List of Care Plans Allows users to view list of careplans
Resident Permissions Care Plans View Care Plan Allows users to read a careplan
Resident Permissions Care Plans Upload Allows users to upload a careplan
Resident Permissions Care Plans Create Allows users to create a careplan
Resident Permissions Care Plans Update Allows users to update a careplan
Resident Permissions Care Plans Delete Allows users to delete a careplan
Resident Permissions Care Plans Submit Allows users to submit a careplan
Resident Permissions Vitals View Vitals Allows users to view vitals entry
Resident Permissions Vitals Create Allows users to add a vital entry
Resident Permissions Vitals Update Allows users to update a vital entry
Resident Permissions Vitals Delete Allows users to delete a vital entry
Resident Permissions Vitals Manage Restrictions Allows users to manage vital restrictions for resident
Resident Permissions Incident Report View List of Incidents Allow users to view list of incidents
Resident Permissions Incident Report Create Allow users to create a resident incident
Resident Permissions Incident Report Update Allow users to update a resident incident
Resident Permissions Incident Report View Incident Allow users to view resident incident
Resident Permissions Incident Report Delete Allow users to delete a resident incident
Resident Permissions Incident Report Complete Determination of Cause Allow users to complete determination of cause section
Resident Permissions Medications View Medications Allow user to view list of medications for a resident
Resident Permissions Medications Create Allow user to create a new medication
Resident Permissions Medications Update Allow user to update a medication
Resident Permissions Medications Manage Narcotic Count Allow user to manage narcotic count
Resident Permissions Medications View Medication Details Allow user to read medication details
Resident Permissions Medications Discontinue/Restore Allow user to discontinue and restore a discontinued medication
Resident Permissions Medications Delete Allow user to delete a medication
Resident Permissions Medications View Narcotic / Controlled Substance Count Allow user to view Narcotic / Controlled Substance Count
Resident Permissions Medications View Narcotic / Controlled Substance History Allow user to view Narcotic / Controlled Substance History
Resident Permissions Medications Narcotic / Controlled Substance Count Discrepancy Notification Allow user to toggle Narcotic / Controlled Substance Count Discrepancy Notification
Resident Permissions Medications Narcotic / Controlled Substance Back Charting Notification Allow user to toggle Back Charting Notification
Resident Permissions Medication Administrations View Medication Administrations Allow user to view list of medication administrations
Resident Permissions Medication Administrations Create Allow user to create new medication administration
Resident Permissions Medication Administrations Create As Other (Used In Med Log) Allow user to create/update medication administration for another user
Resident Permissions Medication Administrations Update Allow user to update a medicaton administration
Resident Permissions Medication Administrations Delete (Uncheck own Administration) Allow user to delete his own medication administration
Resident Permissions Medication Administrations Delete As Other (Uncheck an Administration) Allow user to delete the medication administration created by other user
Resident Permissions Medication Administrations View (Med Pass, Med Log, PRN) Allow user to view resident medication schedule
Resident Permissions Medication Administrations Audit (view late entries) Allow user to view late medication administrations
Resident Permissions Medication Administrations Overdue Notification Setting Allow user to toggling overdue medication notification
Resident Permissions Medication Administrations Batch Notes Allow user to batch notes
Resident Permissions Physician Orders View List of Orders Allow users to view list of physician orders
Resident Permissions Physician Orders View Specific Order Allow users to view detailed order information
Resident Permissions Physician Orders Create Allow users to create a new order
Resident Permissions Physician Orders Update Allow users to update an existing order
Resident Permissions Physician Orders Delete Allow users to delete an existing order
Accounts Permissions Accounts View Details Allow users to view users details
Accounts Permissions Accounts Create Allow users to create new users
Accounts Permissions Accounts Update Allow users to update user details
Accounts Permissions Accounts Update Status Allow users to update other user status
Accounts Permissions Accounts Update Role Allow users to update other user role
Accounts Permissions Accounts Delete Can delete user
Accounts Permissions Accounts Reset Password Allow users to reset password for a specific user
Accounts Permissions Accounts Signin Logs Allow users to view signin logs for other users
Accounts Permissions Accounts Read Hire Information Allow users to view other users hire information
Accounts Permissions Accounts Update Hire Information Allow users to update other users hire information
Accounts Permissions Accounts Email History Allow users to access email history
Accounts Permissions Accounts Fax History Allow users to access fax history
Accounts Permissions Accounts Dashboard Alerts Allow users to view alerts on the dashboard
Accounts Permissions Account Documents View List of Documents Allow users to view list of account documents
Accounts Permissions Account Documents View List of Deleted Documents Allow users to view list of deleted account documents
Accounts Permissions Account Documents View List of Archived Documents Allow users to view list of archived account documents
Accounts Permissions Account Documents Upload Document Allow users to upload an account document
Accounts Permissions Account Documents View Allow users to download and preview a specific account document
Accounts Permissions Account Documents Read Archived Allow users to download and preview a specific archived document
Accounts Permissions Account Documents Read Deleted Allow users to download and preview a specific deleted document
Accounts Permissions Account Documents Update Allow users to update an account document
Accounts Permissions Account Documents Delete Permanently Allow users to delete an account document permanently
Accounts Permissions Account Documents Delete Allow users to delete an account document
Accounts Permissions Account Documents Archive Allow users to archive an account document
Accounts Permissions Account Documents Restore as Active Allow users to restore a deleted account document
Accounts Permissions User Clocks List Allow users to view list of recorder user clocks
Accounts Permissions User Clocks Start/Stop Allow users to record a user clock entry
Accounts Permissions User Clocks Advanced Control Allow users to create and edit a user clock with custom Start and End date
Accounts Permissions User Clocks Delete Allow users to delete user clock entry
Accounts Permissions Task Manager View List of Tasks Allow users to view list of existing tasks
Accounts Permissions Task Manager View Allow users to view task details
Accounts Permissions Task Manager View Completed Time Allow users to view completed time for a task
Accounts Permissions Task Manager Create Allow users to create new tasks
Accounts Permissions Task Manager Update Tasks (Ability to make changes to tasks you created) Allow users to update tasks
Accounts Permissions Task Manager Delete Allow users to delete tasks
Accounts Permissions Task Manager Update All Tasks (Ability to make changes to all tasks) Allow users to update all tasks, including created by superiors
Accounts Permissions Task Manager View Templates Allow users to view task templates
Accounts Permissions Task Manager Create Template Allow users to create task template
Accounts Permissions Task Manager Update Template Allow users to update task template
Accounts Permissions Task Manager Delete Template Allow users to delete task template
Accounts Permissions Staff Notes View List of Notes Allows users to view list of notes
Accounts Permissions Staff Notes Create Allows users to create a note
Accounts Permissions Staff Notes Update Allows users to update a note
Accounts Permissions Staff Notes Delete Allows users to delete a note permanently
Accounts Permissions Staff Notes View Notes History Allows users to view notes history
Accounts Permissions COVID-19 Monitoring COVID 19 Monitoring Allow users to access COVID-19 monitoring
Accounts Permissions Forms Manage Forms Allow to manage categories and design forms
Accounts Permissions Forms Manage Submissions Allow to create and delete form submissions
Accounts Permissions Forms Fill Form Data Ability to Fill Out / Complete Forms
Accounts Permissions Digital Signature Send request for sign Allow user to send a request for signing a document
Accounts Permissions Digital Signature Delete a sign request Allow user to delete a sent sign request
Accounts Permissions Digital Signature View all sign requests Allow user to view all created sign requests
Accounts Permissions Reports Accounting Staff Permission Allow user to view accounting staff report
Workspace Permissions Workspace View Settings Allow users to view workspace settings
Workspace Permissions Workspace Update Settings Allow users to update workspace settings
Workspace Permissions Workspace Manage Payments Allow users to view, update subscription, manage cards and edit billing address
Workspace Permissions Workspace Manage roles Allow users to manage roles
Pharmacy Permissions Pharmacy View Orders from your Pharmacy Allow user to view list of orders coming from your Pharmacy
Pharmacy Permissions Pharmacy View Orders details Allow user to read order details from your Pharmacy
Pharmacy Permissions Pharmacy Resolve Orders Allow user to approve the change from your Pharmacy (a new order, discontinue, refill, etc.)
Pharmacy Permissions Pharmacy Auto Approve Orders Allow user to approve all the changes from your Pharmacy and auto approve orders
Pharmacy Permissions Pharmacy Send Refill Orders Allow user to send Refill Orders to your Pharmacy