How can I password-protect files or folders?

How to Apply Password Protection for Files and Folders in Synkwise

  1. Selecting the File or Folder

    • Choose the file or folder you want to apply password protection to.

  2. Setting Password

    • Click on the three dots.

    • Hover over Password and click Set Password.

    • Enter the desired password twice to confirm.

    • Click Create to apply the password protection.

  3. Accessing Password-Protected Content

    • Only the user who applied the password protection can access the content without entering the password.

    • Other users will be prompted to input the password when trying to access the protected content.

  4. Managing Password Protection

    • To remove the password, click on the three dots, hover over Password, and choose to delete the password.

    • Password recovery requires the current login password for validation.

  5. Applying Password Protection to Folders

    • Password protection for folders works the same way as for files.

    • Click on the three dots at the folder level, hover over Password, and set the password to safeguard the entire folder's contents.