How to add a secondary witness to Narcotic Count?

The tutorial video below and guide will help explain how you can easily add a secondary witness to your narc counts!

Applying a Secondary Witness to Narcotic Counts in EMAR

  1. Accessing Narcotic Count in EMAR

    • Go to EMAR and select narcotic count.

  2. Adding a Secondary Witness

    • Choose the narcotic medication and select add count.

    • Check the box for secondary witness and choose a staff member.

  3. Notification and Verification

    • The chosen secondary staff member will receive a text or email to log in and sign off on the narcotic count.

  4. Viewing Secondary Witness Details

    • Click on view history and toggle to show secondary witness details to track their sign-off status.

  5. Making Secondary Witness Mandatory

    • Go to administration, settings, EMAR, and toggle on the secondary witness option to make it mandatory.

    • Save the changes.

  6. Implementing Mandatory Secondary Witness

    • Return to EMAR, go to narcotic count, and click add count.

    • The checkbox for secondary witness will now be mandatory and cannot be unchecked.

  7. Final Steps

    • Reach out to Synkwise support for any further questions or assistance.

    • Have a great day!