How to Upload Documents

Under the Resident Profile, you can upload an Assessment, Care Plan and Doctor Orderes

FAQ: How can I upload a copy of an Assessment under a specific resident?

  1. Start from Resident Care to Upload an Assessment

    • Navigate to the resident’s profile and click Assessment.
    • Locate and click the Upload button in the top-right corner.
    • Select Upload Document and browse your PC or phone for the document you want to upload.
    • After selecting the file, open it and fill in details such as the upload date and renewal reminder.
    • Mark the assessment as 100% completed and upload the file.
  2. Upload a Care Plan

    • Go to the Care Plan section in the resident’s profile.
    • Follow the same process as above to upload the care plan document.
  3. Upload a Document in the Documents Section

    • Navigate to the Documents section in the resident’s profile.
    • Organize the document by selecting the appropriate folder (e.g., Orders Folder for doctor’s orders).
    • Click on the Upload File button and either drag and drop the document or browse for it on your computer.
    • For doctor’s orders or scanned documents, upload them as PDFs rather than images for better performance and smaller file size.
    • Once uploaded, you can preview the document, zoom in/out, rotate it, or make changes such as adding an expiration date, renaming, or password-protecting it.
  4. Preview and Manage the Uploaded Document

    • After uploading, you can view a preview of the document.
    • Use available options to download, edit, or add reminders for the document.

Always ensure proper organization and labeling for easy access. For additional support, use the Help button within Synkwise.
