How to Add Synkwise as a Desktop Shortcut on Windows PC

Google Chrome allows you to install Synkwise as app to access quickly

FAQ: How can I get Synkwise on my desktop as a shortcut?

How to Add Synkwise as a Desktop Shortcut on Windows

  1. Install Google Chrome

    • Make sure Google Chrome is installed on your computer.

  2. Log in to Synkwise & Navigate to Your Workspace

    • Open Google Chrome and log in to your Synkwise account.

    • Go to your Synkwise workspace in the browser. 
  3. Find the Icon with the Computer and Arrow

    • Click on the icon of a computer with an arrow pointing up.

  4. Install the Shortcut

    • A new window will pop up. Follow the prompts to add the shortcut to your desktop.

  5. Access Your Shortcut

    • Find the shortcut on your desktop.

    • Double-click it to open Synkwise in full-screen mode.

  6. Adjust if Needed

    • Right-click the shortcut for options like uninstall or zoom adjustments.