1. Training Academy
  2. Task Manager (Plus)

Manage your Task Templates

Create, apply, and automatically assign tasks from Task Manager using Templates

FAQ: I have a handful of tasks I want to automatically be created when I create a Resident; how can I do that?

  1. Accessing Task Templates

    • Go to Task Manager and click on the Templates tab in the top right corner.
    • If you haven’t created any templates yet, this page will be blank.
  2. Creating a Task Template from an Existing Task

    • Navigate to a resident's Task List in the Task Manager.
    • Click the three dots next to a task and select Create Task as Template.
    • The task’s details will be copied into the Task Templates section.
  3. Editing a Task Template

    • In the Task Templates section, select a template and click the three dots to update its details.
    • Adjust task name, description, time, and recurrence settings as needed.
  4. Understanding Usage Options

    • When creating a resident profile, the system will ask if you want to apply task templates.
    • Ask on Create: Lets you manually decide whether to assign the task to a resident.
    • Automatically Apply: Assigns the task to the resident by default (e.g., a monthly weight check for all new residents).
  5. Using Task Templates for Residents & Facilities

    • Templates can be applied to individual residents or set as facility-wide tasks.
    • After applying a template, you can edit the task before marking it as done.
  6. Applying a Template When Creating a Task

    • In Task Manager, go to the Task List and click Create Task.
    • Select Create from a Template and choose the desired template.
    • The task will appear in the resident’s task list and be scheduled accordingly.
