Add a range order narcotic count and keep track of the quantity on hand
FAQ: I want to add a morphine order with a running count manually; how do I do this?
Go to the Medication List
- Open the Medication List in Synkwise.
Add a New Medication
- Click Add Medication and begin typing the medication name, "morphine."
- Select Morphine from the list.
Input Medication Details
- Set the drug route to oral.
- Enter the drug strength as indicated on the bottle (e.g., 20 mg/5 ml).
- Choose the solution form.
- Select the start date (backdating, if necessary, such as the 16th).
Configure Order Details
- Mark the medication as a narcotic.
- Set the frequency (e.g., every 2 hours).
- Input the dose (e.g., 0.25 ml for the smallest amount).
- Add specific instructions (e.g., “Take 0.25 ml as needed”).
- If it is a range order, consider adding a second order to account for the range.
Add the Reason and Quantity
- Keep the reason short (e.g., “For pain”).
- Under Track Quantity, input the total amount of medication in the bottle (e.g., 30 ml).
- Set a reminder to refill when the quantity is low (e.g., at 5 ml).
Save the Order
- Save the morphine order.
Administer the Medication
- Navigate to MedPass to administer the medication.
- Backdate the administration, if needed (e.g., select the 16th).
- Confirm the medication was administered and follow up with the effectiveness details.
Review the Narcotic Count
- Check the narcotic count under Reevils to confirm the updated quantity (e.g., 29.75 ml after administering 0.25 ml).
- View the history to track all deductions.