Medication Order Preparation

Set and Document that you prepared the medication before giving it

FAQ: I need my staff to document that they took all the medications out of the Mediset and prepared for the resident to take them, how do I add that to each medication?

  1. Add the Medication and Enable Medication Order Prep

    • When adding a new medication, make sure to edit it after entering the pharmacy order.
    • Scroll to the bottom of the medication details and check the "Med Order Prep" option.
    • Add preparation instructions, such as "Take out med from mediset."
    • If the preparation is mandatory, leave the "Skip Preparation" option unchecked.
  2. Go to MedPass to Administer the Medication

    • When passing the medication, go to MedPass in Synkwise.
    • Look for the red icon indicating that preparation instructions are required.
  3. Follow Preparation Instructions

    • Click "Given," and a prompt will display the preparation instruction (e.g., "Take out med from mediset").
    • Select that you’ve prepared the medication (e.g., placed it in a cup).
  4. Handle Additional Preparation Needs

    • If there’s another reason or preparation step, select the "Other" box.
    • Use the provided space to write any additional notes if necessary.
  5. Save the Medication as Given

    • Once the preparation and notes are complete, save the entry to mark the medication as administered.
    • Ensure to add the "Med Order Prep" option each time a medication is added.
