Narrate PRN Charting (before/after)

Managing PRN (Pro Re Nata) medications in a healthcare setting is crucial for providing timely and accurate care to patients. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to add, document, and review PRN medications in your system.

Go to PRN Meds:

  • Begin by navigating to the PRN Meds section of your system. This is where you can add and manage any PRN medications for your patients.

Add PRN Medication:

  • In the PRN Meds section, locate and select the medication you want to administer from the drop-down list. This list should include all medications that are available for PRN administration.

Add Notes:

  • After selecting the medication, you have the option to add any additional information. This is where you can include specific instructions, observations, or details relevant to the medication. For example, you might note why the medication is being administered or any patient-specific considerations.

Click Administrate:

  • Once the medication and notes are entered, click the Administrate button. This action confirms that the medication has been administered to the patient.

Set Follow-Up:

  • After administering the medication, it’s important to set a follow-up. This ensures that you monitor the patient’s response to the medication and address any potential side effects.

Add Follow-Up Notes:

  • In the follow-up notes section, you might include information like "Effective after 1 hour of dose." This provides clear documentation on how the patient responded to the medication.


  • After entering all necessary information, click the Save button to ensure that all data is stored in the system.

Review Medication History:

  • Go to History: Navigate to the History section to review the administration record.
  • Click the Action (...) Button: Find the relevant entry and click on the Action (...) button to bring up additional options.
  • Add to Notes: You can add further details or updates here as needed.
  • Click Save: Ensure all new information is saved.

Access and Print the Medication Log:

  • Go to Med Log: Navigate to the Med Log section, which contains the comprehensive log of all administered medications.
  • Click Print: If you need a hard copy of the medication log, click the Print button.
  • Scroll to the Bottom: To find the specific PRN entry, scroll to the bottom of the printed log.