Personal Note-Taking (My Notes)

Write your notes under your profile for safekeeping and tracking incidents

FAQ: I need to write down something I'm only able to see, an incident happened, and I need to document it for myself for now.

  1. Accessing Your Personal Notes

    • Click on your profile in the top right corner of Synkwise.
    • Select "My Notes" from the dropdown menu.
  2. Creating a New Note

    • Click on the option to create a new note.
    • Use this section to write down incidents, sensitive information, or even embed videos for later reference.
  3. Choosing Who Can See the Note

    • When creating a note, select the recipients at the bottom of the page.
    • If you want the note to remain private, ensure that only you are selected.
  4. Filling Out Note Details

    • Enter a subject and set the importance level (default is low).
    • Add details like the date, time, and description of the event.
    • Choose specific roles or staff members who should have access to the note.
  5. Saving and Managing Notes

    • Click "Save and Close" to finalize the note.
    • Notes are listed in chronological order based on time and date.
  6. Searching and Filtering Notes

    • Use the search bar to find notes by keywords.
    • Filter notes based on specific criteria to manage large amounts of information efficiently.
  7. Editing, Printing, or Sending Notes

    • Edit notes to add additional information if needed.
    • Print notes or send them via email or fax directly from the system.
  8. Difference Between Personal Notes and Other Note Types

    • Personal notes are private unless shared with selected staff.
    • Progress notes under Resident Care are visible to relevant staff.
    • Facility notes under "Manage Facility" are accessible to all staff in that facility.
