Printing a Medication List

Print a medication list for sharing with staff, family, or healthcare providers.


FAQ: I need to print a medication list for my Resident?

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Access the eMAR System:

  • First, navigate to the eMAR section of your system. Typically, you’ll find this option on the left-hand side of the screen. By default, the system will display information for the first resident on your list.

Navigate to the Medications Section:

  • Once you're in the eMAR section, locate and click on the "Medications" tab. This section contains all the medication information for the resident.

Print the Medication List:

  • In the Medications section, you will see a "Print" button. Click this button to generate a printout of the resident's medication list. The system will create a printable version of the list, which you can either download as a file or send directly to your printer.

Review the Printout:

The printout will include essential information about the facility and the resident. It's crucial to double-check this information to ensure it is accurate. The list will display active medications and PRN (as needed) medications separately, detailing everything that has been entered into the system. Be sure to verify the following details...

  • Ensure the administration instructions are clear and accurate.
  • Confirm the dosage listed is correct.
  • Check that the medication frequency is accurate.
  • Verify the reason for each medication.

Additional Options:

  • After reviewing the medication list, you can choose to hide the list or download the file for your records.

Physician Orders (Optional):

It’s important to note that the medication list is different from physician orders. If you need to upload an order for a specific medication, navigate to the "Physician Orders" section. If you need to print a list for the physician to sign, follow these steps...

  • Go to the Physician Orders page.
  • Click on the "Print" button.
  • The printout will include additional information such as the resident's diagnosis, allergies, and dietary requirements, as well as the primary care provider's details.
  • Ensure that the primary care provider's information is correct; if it’s missing, add it through the contact list.


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