Inactive residents are located under Manage Facility / Residents under the Inactive tab
FAQ: How do I reactivate a deactivated resident profile?
Go to Manage Facility and Residents
- If the resident is not listed under the main resident list, navigate to "Manage Facility."
- Select "Residents" to access the resident management page.
Find the Resident in the Inactive Tab
- Locate the "Inactive" tab where all deactivated residents are listed.
- The resident's profile will appear in red, along with the deactivation date.
Review Deactivation Details
- Select the resident’s profile to see the reasons for deactivation.
- This information is also saved in the "Notes" section of the profile.
Activate the Resident
- On the resident's profile, click "Activate" to reactivate the account.
- If your subscription limit has been reached (e.g., subscribed for 4 residents and this is the 5th), contact Synkwise support to add additional resident slots.
Verify the Reactivation
- After reactivating, go back to the dashboard to confirm the resident is now active.
- You can now edit the profile or add additional information.
Update Resident Information
- Once your edits are complete, you can inactivate the resident again if necessary.
- Be sure to document the reason for deactivation in the system.
That's it! If you need further assistance, click the "Help" button in the corner to reach out to Synkwise support.