Release Notes v 2.4

This release comes with few nice features which will help you to save time and better enjoy Synkwise experience.

Multiple file upload

Uploading documents is now easier than ever. Just drag and drop a bunch of documents and set expire date for all at once.

Incident reporting

Starting with Synkwise 2.4 you can report an incident in an interactive way.

Body applied medications

Injections and transdermal medications can now require staff input on the exact location where it was applied. When giving medications with body applications, staff will need to specify areas where medications were applied. 

Missed medications indicators

We are keeping an eye on schedule medications for you. Visual indicators were added to inform you whether resident has missed medication or he's in time range to get it.

  • Yellow - you're in range to give a medication.
  • Red - a medication was missed.


Narcotic Count restrictions

Tasks can now have restrictions. Tasks with restrictions requires additional data in order to mark it completed.

Narotic Restriction will require staff to count "Narcotic" medications. After marking as done, these count entries can be found in Narcotic Count in eMAR module.

Also, included in this deploy

  • Account notification settings - users can now configure few notification settings
  • Ability to update staff details - administrators can now update contact information or hiring details for the staff
  • Two or more super accounts - sharing now a Workspace is possible. You can have now few or more providers for the same workspace.
  • Bug fixes