Release Notes v 3.05

New Features & Updates | Dec. 8, 2020

Resident Diets

As we all know - diets are so important in context of health monitoring, medicine administrations and wellness overall. Now you can set resident diets within profile. This information is reflected within eMar, Resident, Report modules (within printed reports as well). 


Covid Screening through Task Manager and Health Monitor

We have tried to create an efficient workflow in terms of systematic vital signs check & register within Synkwise - by creating tasks with health monitor restrictions. You can use task manager with any of available vital signs from Health Monitor module

Let's have a quick walkthrough: 

1.  Create task with health monitor restriction (Covid Screening in our case, which imply Temperature and Oxygen Saturation vitals)


2.  Complete task with restriction

3.  View result (within Health Monitor)

Upload discontinuation physician order when discontinue a drug in eMar

We've improved drug discontinuation process - now discontinue of a drug and upload discontinuation order is grouped in one single step.

Behavior Vital Sign

New vital sign has been added within Health Monitor module. As any other vitals in can be found on Vital Statistics, Health Monitor pages.

Quick demo:


Bug fixes

Some performance issues were addressed:

  • preview assessment / care-plans
  • narcotic count page optimization
  • and others