Release Notes v 3.06

We are stoked to announce our first major update of 2021...LET'S DO THIS!

Bowel Movement Dashboard Alerts

Managing bowel movements for certain residents is a critical task for our industry. By default, if a "BM" is not recorded within 72hrs, the dashboard health monitor alert is triggered. This will help you and your staff be proactive when it comes to next steps whether it's medication related to treat constipation or notifying the respective medical team.

Health Monitor Settings (Sorting & Alerts)

All of the Health Monitor categories can become a little daunting at times, which is why now you have the ability to sort and hide specific categories to help improve & tailor your workflow. You have the ability to disable the Health Monitor / Bowel Movement dashboard alert as well if not applicable. We recommend you keep this alert on for the residents that require BM tracking!

Progressive Web Application (PWA)

Synkwise has been upgraded to a PWA (Progressive Web Application) that can be installed via Chrome web browser. Home screen / shortcuts are more easily accessible and most importantly performance is improved! Video will be released on how to install Synkwise as a PWA shortly.

Restoring Discontinued Medications

If you accidentally discontinue a medication, you now have the ability to restore that medication. Make sure to verify your Med List and Med Log for accuracy purposes! 

Editing Email Staff Invitations

Sometimes new staff members provide an incorrect email or sometimes a typo can occur. No need to worry anymore! You now have the ability to edit the email address for a recently created staff account allowing you to resend an invitation to the corrected email address. Yay!

Resident Profile Added Fields

Additional fields have been added to the Resident Profile (Face Sheet) such as Marital Status, Race, Religion, Primary Language, Place of Birth, etc. The more info on your resident the better...right?


 Automated Med Instructions

As you enter in a new medication, the instructions are automated to help speed up the process. Always make sure to double check the instructions and please know that you're always able to edit the instructions as you see fit prior to saving!

Misc. & Bug Fixes

+ Oral Care added to Health Monitor
+ Editing Custom Medications
+ Addl. Folders added to Manage Staff Docs
+ Other / Misc. Text Box Care/Service Plan Add-on
+ Health Monitor | Pain Mgmt. Notes
+ Uploading Word Doc Assessments & Care/Service Plans Fix
+ PRN Administration UI Fix (Mobile Devices)