Release Notes v 3.07

New Features & Updates | April 8th, 2021

Covid-19 Monitoring Log

Monitor symptoms, temp, & O2 for Residents, Staff, & Visitors!

Licensing Role

Give access to your Licensor or Surveyor by assigning the new Licensor role. 

Resident Profile | Auto-Save

No need to worry about losing your Resident Profile data anymore!

Service Plan Changes [Arizona Only]

Additional Service Plan types have been allocated specifically for our Arizona customers!

Enhanced Body-Area Silhouette

Now you can be more specific with body area medications.

Visitor Option | Health Monitor

Keep track of any kind of visitor entering your facility. 

Misc. & Bug Fixes

+ Insulin Administration Improvements
+ Haircut added to Health Monitor
+ Improvements to Updating & Ending Tasks (Task Manager)
+ Fixes for editing medications (Server Error Messages)
+ Addl. Folders added to Facility & Resident Documents
+ Bowel Movement Alert Indicator improvement