We're working hard to deliver new features and best experience for you. Due to COVID-19 impact, our team is now fully working from home. We will continue delivering new features to you. Synkwise loves you.
Marking administrations as "Not Given"
Starting with this version, if a medication requires a vital sign/health monitor record, you will be able to mark as "Not given" even if not all actions were completed.
Vital Requirements and Health Monitor
With this release, a medication can require staff to enter health monitor records. All Health Monitors are now available when adding or editing a medication. Health monitors behave as the Vital Sign, but they don't limit medication from being administered. List of added Health Monitors:
- Weight
- Pain Management
- Bowel Movements
- bathing
- Catheter Care
- Nail Care
- Range of Motion
- Meal Intake
- Fluid Intake
- Urine Output
Vitals restrictions are now optional
Vitals can be added without any restrictions now. This will ask staff to take a health monitor record before marking administration as Completed or Not Completed.
Reports additional information
Sliding scale configuration is now available in our eMAR Reports. In addition to that, we have also added Vital's restriction values and health monitors tracked by the medication.
Other changes
- New Progress Note types "Facility Owner", "Nurse" and "Other"
- Improved Assessment and Care Plan
- Added new document folder "Disclosure of Charges" for resident
- Fixed more bugs