Expired Invitation Resend After 72 hrs

If your staff are unable to log in or were unable to activate their account, resend their invitation

FAQ: How do you resend an invitation if it has expired (past 72 hrs)

  1. Go to Manage Accounts in the Admin Panel

    • Navigate to the administration section of Synkwise.
    • Click on "Manage Accounts."
  2. Find the Staff Member with an Unconfirmed Account

    • Look for the staff member whose invitation has not been confirmed.
    • Their account status will show "Not Confirmed."
  3. Click on the Action Button

    • Locate the three-dot action button next to their name.
    • Click on it and select "Re-send Invitation."
  4. Choose a Resend Method

    • You can resend the invitation via:
      • Email – Sends a new 72-hour link to their email.
      • SMS – If a phone number was registered, they’ll receive a text.
      • Direct Link – Generates a link you can manually send.
  5. If Using the Direct Link Method

    • Copy and paste the link into an email or message.
    • Note: The user must log out before using the link to register.
  6. Ensure the Staff Member Can Log In

    • If they have trouble logging in, they may need to reset their password.
    • A password reset email can be sent if needed.
  7. Seek Additional Help if Necessary

    • If the staff member does not receive the invitation, use the "Help" button in Synkwise for further assistance.
