1. Training Academy
  2. Digital Signature (Plus)

Sending Care Plans for Signature

Quickly send over a Care Plan for the Family to sign electronically, saving you paper

FAQ: I completed a care plan, but the family is not here to sign it in person, how can I send them to sign it electronically?

1. Access the Resident's Care Plan

  • Navigate to the resident’s profile and go to the Care Plans section.
  • Open the care plan you want to send for signature.

2. Review and Sign the Care Plan

  • Double-check that all required fields are completed.
  • Ensure the date and care plan type are correctly entered.
  • At the bottom, under the review section, sign and date the care plan.
  • If applicable, the resident can sign it as well.
  • Check the box that indicates a representative needs to sign the document.
  • Optionally, add the representative’s name.

3. Prepare the Care Plan for Signature

  • Click Save, then go to Actions and select Sign.
  • The system will generate the care plan as a PDF.
  • Click Add Recipients and select the POA or family member from the Contacts section.
  • Ensure the recipient’s name appears in a colorful box before proceeding.

4. Place the Signature and Date Fields

  • Scroll to the last page where the signature is required.
  • Click and drag the signature box to the correct location.
  • Adjust the size and position of the signature box if necessary.
  • Drag a date field to ensure the system timestamps the signature.
  • (Optional) Add a text field if you want them to type their name.

5. Set the File Location and Send the Request

  • Choose where the signed document will be saved (e.g., the Care Plan folder in Documents).
  • (Optional) Add a comment for the recipient.
  • Click Complete Sign Request to send the document.

6. How the Family Member or POA Signs the Document

  • The recipient will receive an email with a Document Sign Request from Synkwise Signature.
  • They must click Review Document and follow the link to the signing page.
  • Click Begin, then type or draw their signature in the provided field.
  • Confirm the signature and click Sign and Finish.
  • They will receive a copy of the signed document.

7. Verify the Signed Care Plan

  • Go back to the Digital Signature page in Synkwise.
  • Click the three dots next to the document to download or view details.
  • Open the PDF and scroll to the signature section to confirm it has been signed and dated.
  • The signed care plan will now be saved under Documents > Care Plan Folder.
