How do I sort residents by room #?

The video below and step-by-step guide explain how to sort residents by room # instead of the default alphabetical order sorting.

Sorting Residents on Dashboard by Room Number

  1. Default Sorting: Residents are sorted alphabetically by name on the dashboard.

  2. Designate Room Numbers:

    • Ensure each resident's profile has the correct room number associated with them.

  3. Adjust Settings:

    • Go to administration.

    • Select settings.

    • Choose the residents tab.

    • Change sorting from alphabetical to room number.

  4. Save Changes:

    • Click on save to apply the new sorting setting.

  5. View Changes:

    • Return to the dashboard.

    • Refresh the page.

    • Residents will now be sorted by room number instead of name.

  6. Conclusion:

    • Video demonstration to help with sorting residents by room number.

    • Encouragement to reach out with any questions.

    • Sign off with well wishes for a great day.