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- Resident Profile (Facesheet)
How do I sort residents by room #?
The video below and step-by-step guide explain how to sort residents by room # instead of the default alphabetical order sorting.
Sorting Residents on Dashboard by Room Number
Default Sorting: Residents are sorted alphabetically by name on the dashboard.
Designate Room Numbers:
Ensure each resident's profile has the correct room number associated with them.
Adjust Settings:
Go to administration.
Select settings.
Choose the residents tab.
Change sorting from alphabetical to room number.
Save Changes:
Click on save to apply the new sorting setting.
View Changes:
Return to the dashboard.
Refresh the page.
Residents will now be sorted by room number instead of name.
Video demonstration to help with sorting residents by room number.
Encouragement to reach out with any questions.
Sign off with well wishes for a great day.