This training session is designed to help you confidently navigate Synkwise and use it to its fullest potential. We will also be doing a live Q&A at the end to answer all things Synkwise!
Questions During the Webinar
1. Is it a good idea to let state inspectors gain access to the system when they ask for a lot of docs or just print them?
- Video response - Best Practices for State Inspection Prep 📋
2. I Am not sure if this is related, but how can the manager know if a caregiver deleted another caregiver's information in the health monitor, what time did they do it?
- Video response - Managing Caregiver Access in Health Monitor
3. Who is supposed to put the new resident's information in Synkwise? Is it the home or the pharmacy? from the owner?
- Video response - Clarifying Resident Info Input from the Pharmacy
4. What if the medication is already on yet? The pharmacy keep sending them.
this is the major issue I am facing.
- Video response - Managing Pharmacy Orders Effectively
5. How do you manage Nurse Delegation paperwork, consents, updates, etc?
- Video response - Managing Nurse Delegation Paperwork Effectively