Synkwise 101 - Mastering The Basics

This training session is designed to help you confidently navigate Synkwise and use it to its fullest potential. We will also be doing a live Q&A at the end to answer all things Synkwise!

Questions During the Webinar

1. Is it a good idea to let state inspectors gain access to the system when they ask for a lot of docs or just print them?

2. I Am not sure if this is related, but how can the manager know if a caregiver deleted another caregiver's information in the health monitor, what time did they do it?

3. Who is supposed to put the new resident's information in Synkwise? Is it the home or the pharmacy? from the owner?

4. What if the medication is already on yet? The pharmacy keep sending them.
this is the major issue I am facing.

5. How do you manage Nurse Delegation paperwork, consents, updates, etc?