Tasks and ADLs

Managing and Add Tasks & ADLs Effectively

FAQ: How do I add a task with an attached vital for my staff to complete at a specific time?

  1. Accessing Tasks from the Quick Access Center

    • On the dashboard, click the Quick Access Center button in the top right corner.
    • View routine vitals and tasks that need to be completed.
    • Click the arrow next to a task to mark it as done.
    • To see more details, click "View Details."
  2. Viewing Tasks for a Resident

    • Navigate to a resident’s profile and select "Task Manager."
    • View all assigned tasks, including those with vitals attached.
    • If a task is created without a vital, it simply reminds staff to complete an action at a specific time.
  3. Creating a New Task

    • In the Task Manager, click "Create Task."
    • Enter a descriptive name (e.g., "ISP Goal - Behavior Tracking").
    • If the task is not scheduled for a specific time but needs documentation when an event occurs, select "PRN" (as needed).
    • Set a start date, such as February 1st.
    • Add a detailed description to ensure staff understands the task.
    • Assign the task to multiple residents if needed.
    • Assign the task to all necessary staff members.
  4. Completing a PRN Task

    • In the Task Manager, click "Tasks and ADLs."
    • Click the "PRN Task" button.
    • Select the task (e.g., "ISP Goal - Behavior Tracking").
    • Enter the event time (e.g., 1:00 PM) and save.
  5. Adding a Progress Note

    • After saving the task, click "Notes."
    • Write a detailed progress note about what happened.
    • Completing the task will timestamp the completion and document it under notes.
