Complete tasks that have vitals attached to them
FAQ: I have a task I need to create and have three different vitals attached to them.
Accessing Tasks with Vitals
- Go to the Task Manager and select Tasks and ADLs for a specific resident.
- Tasks with vitals attached will be listed here.
Creating a Task with Vitals
- When creating a task, ensure it specifies the vital being collected (e.g., blood pressure, respiratory rate, weight).
- Set the task to repeat as needed (e.g., daily, weekly, or monthly).
- If the task does not have a set time, mark it as an all-day event.
- Add task details and select multiple residents if needed.
- Assign the task to the appropriate staff members.
- Attach a vital by selecting Health Monitor and choosing from the list of available vitals.
- Multiple vitals can be attached to a single task.
Completing a Task with Vitals
- Mark the task as done when completed.
- Enter the collected vital data, such as temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure.
- Save the data, and the task will be marked as completed.
Viewing and Printing Vital Reports
- To review collected vital data, go to Reports > Resident Reports.
- The data will be transcribed into a Vital Statistics Report, which can be printed as needed.