Track a Family Visiting a Resident

Keep track of all visitors to the facility by using these three options

FAQ: I want to keep track of all the people who visit residents or just come into the facility. How do I keep track of visitors?

  1. Track Visitors via Health Monitor

    • Open the resident’s profile in Synkwise and go to the Health Monitor tab.
    • Ensure the Visitor Tracking Vital is added to the list. You can customize its position (e.g., move it to the top).
    • Click Record to add a new visitor.
      • Select the Visitor Type (default is "Family" but you can choose from a list or add custom types).
      • Enter the visitor's Name, Location, Visit Type (e.g., indoor), and any Notes regarding the visit.
      • Adjust the Time of Visit if needed.
    • To view previous visits, click the calendar arrow to navigate to past dates or use Vital Statistics to see all tracked visits.
  2. Track Visitors via COVID-19 Monitoring

    • From the dashboard, go to Reports and select COVID-19 Monitoring.
    • Click Add Record to log a visitor.
      • Enter the Visitor's Name, their Temperature, and Oxygen Saturation.
      • Answer questions about symptoms (if any) and provide details if needed.
      • Save the visitor log once all information is complete.
  3. Manually Add Visitor Notes

    • Go to the Resident Care section and click on Notes.
    • Add a New Progress Note, selecting Visitor as the subject from the list.
    • Enter the note details, save, and close.
