Tracking Quantity and Low Stock Threshold

Enable your running count on a medications and get alerts when running low

FAQ: I want to start tracking the count of all my medications, how can I do that? Will it also alert me on a low running count?

  1. Enable Quantity Tracking for a Medication

    • Go to the medication you want to track in Synkwise.
    • Click on the three dots (action button) and select "Edit" for that medication.
    • Ensure the "Track Quantity" option is enabled.
  2. Update Medication Count

    • While you can update the count directly from the medication page, it's often more effective to manage refills from the "Refills" section.
    • This provides an overview of your current counts and stock status.
  3. Refill Stock When Empty

    • If the stock status shows "Empty," click on it to start the refill process.
    • Enter the quantity received (e.g., "30" if the pharmacy sent 30 units).
    • Optionally, add a note (e.g., "Pharmacy delivered") and set a new expiration date for the medication.
    • Click "Refill" to update the stock status.
  4. Adjust Low Stock Threshold

    • You can modify the low stock threshold for a medication by editing its settings.
  5. Request a Refill from the Pharmacy

    • To send a refill request to the pharmacy, check the box next to the medication name and click "Request Refill."
    • Refer to a separate video for detailed steps on this process.
  6. Monitor Stock and Expiration Using the Dashboard

    • Navigate to the Synkwise dashboard, where the "Medication" card includes a "Refills" tab.
    • This tab shows a list of residents and their remaining stock levels.
    • Get Additional Help

      • If you need further assistance, click the "Help" button located in the bottom-right corner of the Synkwise interface.
