Exciting New Features & Updates | October 31, 2024
Resident Profile - Labels
Resident labels allow staff to tag profiles with critical information, such as "Fall Risks" or "Severe Allergies," improving resident care by helping staff quickly identify and address individual needs. View the full tutorial article here: Link
Secondary Witness Setting for Narcotic Count
Effortlessly add a secondary witness to all narcotic counts with the flexibility to set this feature as optional or required. For detailed guidance, check out the full tutorial article here: Link
Improved UI for Resident Status
We have enhanced the user interface for updating resident status. Additionally, you now have the option to allow Synkwise to automatically update medication administrations for Out of Facility (OOF) and hospital statuses, or you can choose to manually update them (e.g., for family outings).
Pinning Documents
Easily pin important documents for quick access, displayed directly on the resident profile!
Customizing Abnormal Vital Alerts
Every resident is unique, and now you have the ability to customize abnormal vital parameters based on each individual's minimums and maximums. Check out the tutorial below to learn how to customize their vital parameters!
Medication History Access
This feature is accessible only when the Audit Med Log is enabled, requiring it to be toggled ON and users to have the appropriate permissions. With this enhancement, administrators gain complete visibility into every medication administration event, allowing them to monitor and celebrate improved oversight.
Staff Timesheet Improvements
You now have the ability to track all employee and staff timesheets by marking them as paid or unpaid. This feature greatly aids in managing payroll, ensuring that nothing is overlooked for your exceptional staff! We've also added additional filters to help you easily view active versus inactive time clocks.
Health Monitor Add-Ons | Safety Devices, Exercise
We’ve added new options to our Health Monitor! You can now track safety device usage as well as specific exercises your residents have participated in.
Late Administration Setting
In certain states, any medication charted late requires a note or comment confirming it was administered on time but recorded late, or providing other relevant details. The late administration setting enforces this by requiring users to leave a note whenever a medication is charted late.